Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live a life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau
There is wonder, excitement and mystery in a young child's dreams. Can you picture it? Can you visualize the face and excitement of a 7, 8, or 10 year old little boy or girl that you know? Children have that ability to dream, to dream big, to dream in color! But then they become us, and we "grow up." We become serious, we get excited, we get jobs and mortgages and insurances and ... Soon those dreams are buried under the shadows of responsibility.
Here in Antigua, Guatemala, we recently got a glimpse into someone else's dreams. A dream that continues to impact us and challenge us to take risks, to color outside the lines, especially in relationship to people! We met a young Korean couple just five weeks into a year and a half trip around the world. Travel has been a dream of the young woman's, Jang, since early childhood. Her dream has been to experience first hand the colors and sounds and smells of places that so many years ago were only imagines in a borrowed book.
But in the lapse of time between her childish dreams and adulthood, Jang grew up. She got educated, she got married, she got a good job and the vibrant colors of her dreams began to fade to pastels and shadows of gray. Jang, however, was fortunate that her job began to become routine. After a few years it lacked creative spark and she lacked satisfaction. Jang allowed that grayness of dissatisfaction to catapult her once again into the direction of her childhood dreams. And now their journey has already begun!
Jang and Kim (her loving supportive husband who is also willing to take risks) are searching for meaning and mystery in their dream life together. They are searching for life in the present- the brilliant colorful life "in the moment." A significant part of their dreams have already been met in each other. Other parts, yet to be realized, will be met in the sounds, smells and faces they meet in each new place they experience first-hand!
Where are they now? Can you visualize them in Cuba? Peru? North Africa? India?
Y siempre, vaya con Dios!