New Beginings - Again

Good news, Friends!
The latest Dockters’ update is that our hearts and bones haven’t been this healthy in years!
We are ready to walk humbly and excitedly into a journey that combines our Christian faith, passion and appreciation of Mexico and her people!
We have been accepted as short term missionaries under the Department of World Mission of the Evangelical Covenant Church for assignment in Oaxaca, Mexico.
God began this cross-cultural journey in our hearts a few years ago with short trips to Mexico. Good experiences, sweet people, and a strong vision and desire to return has animated our spirits ever since. And with your help we hope to return and begin our two-to-three, year project as soon as July or August, 2008.
We’ll be working to assist and support existing Covenant ministries in facilitating mission/vision trips for U.S. groups, community development and being good neighbors. With excitement about using the gift of hospitality we will open our home and lives to relationships with our neighbors in conversation, music and laughter
We recognize the limit of a single cultural perspective and our need to listen to and learn from others. As we encounter people of other cultures, we are transformed by God and better able to understand ourselves, our world and God’s actions in the world.
In Mexico, we will live as learners, have flexible attitudes, and be ready to serve others as well as receive the love and care of our neighbors. We see this journey as an apprenticeship for learning language and culture, as well as ministry from a different cultural perspective. Such an education will be invaluable in preparing us for future ministry opportunities in multicultural settings when we return to the U.S.
As short-termers, we are asked by the Covenant’s Department of World
Mission to raise our own financial support of $47,000 per year. This includes ministry expenses, medical, language studies, living expenses and travel. We are thankful and awed by your sharing with us through prayer and financial commitment. To join with us in this project please fill out and return the following information. Muchas gracias!
___ prayer
___ pledge of:
$___________/month or $_________/ year
___ a special gift of $__________________
___ Information update via
____ email _____ regular mail
All financial gifts are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to the “Evangelical Covenant Church” and include our name on the memo line. Send to:
Attn: STM Support
ECC Department of World Mission
5101 N. Francisco Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625