Contemplating the trip

from saying it to doing it is a long way
Every part of the journey is of importance to the whole.
Teresa of Avila
Canceling magazines, waiting for renters,fixing fences,final weekends with friends,canceling car insurance,family pictures packed away,boxing up books,the sound of duct tape peeling off the roll....all of these necessary parts of the journey are tiring and so liberating in our spirits, that I am often overwhelmed and sometimes practice my impatient and immature "day of departure" routine with the suitcases seen in the photo.
The spring cleaning of our house and possesions, the dusting and reorganizing of all things material and emotional has been occuring for two months now, very seriously. The shocking and really cool reality of this adventure hits sweet and hard when the rental sign goes up, and you purchase a one-way airline ticket!
The known specifics of departure is this: we end our jobs Tues. June 28, celebrate 4th of July in Turlock, pass on as nomads with only with what we can carry to Fremont to visit with loved ones, and then whisk away July 6 at sunrise in Oakland on a southern migratory jet-bird looking for Guanajuato,Mexico.
This is the colonial central highland town that courted us last year, and taught us of how little Spanish we know, but also showed us the large amounts of genuine hospitality that we received lessons in. We will revisit the Mexican home and heart of Martha for a week, then bus approx. 10-12 hours south through Mexico City to an arrival in Oaxaca, perhaps by Friday July 15. That weekend we will start our orientation for Spanish classes at the Instituto Cultural, and our accommodation with a Oaxacan family for 2-3 weeks.
And then?....vamos a ver...we are going to see, Que un milagro!...what a miracle!
The road goes ever on and on. Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead
the road has gone and I must follow,if I can,pursuing it with eager feet. Until it joins
some larger way where many paths and errands meet, and whither then ? I cannot say.
Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring
" You're never too old to do goofy stuff."
Ward Cleaver, The Leave It To Beaver Show
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